Three-electrode Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors - EM-FECS(B)

  • Three-electrode  Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors
  • Three-electrode  Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors
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Compatible with all FECS-series sensors
Converts sensor output current to voltage output
Selectable load resistors dependeing on sensor model
Anti-polarization circuit during power OFF period

  • Model Number: EM-FECS(B)
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Product Specification

Three-electrode  Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors EM-FECS(B)  Description:

The EM-FECS(B) evaluation module is designed to perform the testing and evaluation of the three-electrode electrochemical gas sensors in the FECS-series. Since the output voltage (VOUT) corresponding to the sensitivity characteristics can be obtained, the characteristics of the FECS sensor can be easily evaluated.

Three-electrode  Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors EM-FECS(B) Features:
Compatible with all FECS-series sensors
Converts sensor output current to voltage output
Selectable load resistors dependeing on sensor model

Anti-polarization circuit during power OFF period

Three-electrode  Electrochemical Gas Evaluation Module For FECS-series Sensors EM-FECS(B) Operation:
The FECS-series sensor is placed into the sensor socket on the EMFECS(B). If target gas is present, the output current generated from the FECS-series sensor(*1)is converted into output voltage. A linear relationship exists between output voltage and target gas concentration.
By measuring in advance the output voltage in a known target gas concentration, that gas concentration can be calculated from the measured output voltage values. (*2)
*1For more detailed specifications of FECS-series sensors,refer to Product Information for each model.

*2The main function of this module is to simply convert sensor output current into voltage output without  temperature compensation.

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