Microfluidic Flow Meters - LF6000 Series

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• Using MEMS thermal time-of-flight (TTOF) technology.
• The range ratio is greater than 100.
• Good temperature effect

  • Model Number: LF6000 Series
  • Data Sheet: Date Sheet File
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Product Specification


    This manual provides the essential information for operation of the LF6000 serial flow meters and sensors for microfluidic metering applications. The product performance, maintenance. and trouble-shouting as well as the information for product order, technical support and repair are also included.

    The LF6000 microfluidic flow meters and sensors are manufactured with the company's proprietary MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) thermal time-of-flight technology that offers a very high precision at a large dynamic ranges starting from 50μL/min up to 400 mL/min,water equivalent. The technology particularly merits for its temperature performance. The flow channel is readily connected with the standard 1/4"-28 pipes and the wetted materials for the channel are tailored by Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), Polyphenylsulfone and silicon nitride only, which allows excellent chemical and bio-compatibility.



All specifications listed in the following table unless otherwise noted apply for calibration conditions at 20℃ and 101.325 kPa absolute pressure with de-ionized water. The product is horizontally mounted at calibration.


3.Part description

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