GaP Detector with Integrated Amplifier - TOCON_GaP4

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• GaP photodetector with integrated amplifier
• for UV + VIS (190 – 570 nm) measurements
• TO5 hermetically sealed metal housing with diffusor
• 0 … 5 V signal output
• max. irradiance (saturation limit) at 445 nm (peak wavelength) is 9 µW/cm2
• min. irradiance (resolution limit) is 0.9 nW/cm2

  • Model Number: TOCON_GaP4
  • Data Sheet: Date Sheet File
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Product Specification

GaP detector with integrated amplifier


TOCON-GaP4 GaP detector with integrated amplifier General Features


Properties of the TOCON-GaP4
• GaP detector for irradiation measurement in TO5 housing with diffusor
• 0 … 5 V voltage output
• peak wavelength at 445 nm
• max. radiation (saturation limit) at peak is 9 µW/cm2minimum radiation (resolution limit) is 0.9 nW/cm2
• Applications: measurement of very low UV...VIS (570nm) irradiation, occupational safety


What is a TOCON?
A TOCON is a 5 Volt powered UV photodetector with integrated amplifier converting UV radiation into a 0 … 5V volt-age output. The V out pin of the TOCON can be directly connected to a controller, a voltmeter or any other data analyz-ing device with voltage input. Highly modern electronic components and a hermetically sealed metal housing with UV glass window eliminates noise caused by parasitic resistance paths inside the package or EMI. A TOCON is a per-fect solution for each industrial UV sensing application starting from flame detection at pW/cm2 level up to UV curing lamp control at W/cm2 level. This thirteen orders of magnitude range is covered by ten different TOCONs that differ by their sensitivity. The TOCONs are produced as UV broadband sensors or with filters for selective measurement.


TOCON-GaP4 GaP detector with integrated amplifier Specifications

Parameter Symbol Value Unit

Spectral Characteristics
Typical Responsivity at Peak Wavelength 395nm  Smax 560 mV/µW/cm2
Wavelength of max. Spectral Responsivity  λmax 445 nm
Responsivity Range (S=0,1*Smax)  – 190 … 570 nm

General Characteristics (T=25°C, Vsupply=+5 V)
Supply Voltage  VSupply 2,5 … 5 V
Saturation Voltage  VSat VSupply - 5% V
Dark Offset Voltage  VOffset 50 µV
Temperature Coefficient at Peak  Tc < -0,5 %/K
Current Consumption  I 150 µA
Bandwidth (-3 dB)  B 15 Hz
Risetime (10-90%)  trise 0,066 s
(other risetimes on request)

Maximum Ratings
Operating Temperature  Topt -25 … +85 °C
Storage Temperature  Tstor -40 … +100 °C
Soldering Temperature (3s)  Tsold 300 °C

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